By: Stacy Ashworth, PhD
Evaluation Project Manager, K-12

Shaffer Evaluation Group has the pleasure of providing evaluation services for 15 current Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) projects. In addition, SEG has been able to support 16 other DoDEA projects that have been completed since SEG’s inception.
The DoDEA grant program seeks to support projects in school districts that serve military-connected students ( Each year, pending funding availability, a new solicitation is announced around the end of January. Grants are provided for five-year projects.
In prior years, DoDEA mandated awarded program topics for their Military-Connected Academic Support Program (MCASP). Topics included social-emotional learning (SEL) and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). However, over the past few years, DoDEA has left the topic of the MCASP program open. DoDEA also developed a second program, the World Language Advancement and Readiness Program (WLARP).
While the deadline for the new DoDEA grant solicitation is quickly approaching, it is never too early to start thinking about 2025! The flexibility with the MCASP program results in a wide variety of projects designed to meet districts’ needs. SEG works with projects spanning topics from instructional coaching to career and technical education. Our current projects are categorized by topic below. The hyperlink for each project links to the published abstract on the DoDEA Grants website.
World Languages
Harford County Public Schools Two-Way Immersion in Elementary Schools (MD; World Languages)
Santa Rosa County Public Schools Growing Language Opportunities with Biliteracy - Accelerated Learning (FL; World Languages)
Career Education and Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Prince William County Schools Operation STEP to CCR: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Pathways to College and Career Readiness (VA; STEM/Career Education)
Lackland Independent School District Stepping Up STEM: Bridging Students to Careers (TX; STEM, CTE)
Randolph Field Independent School District Promoting Military-Connected Student Excellence in the Health Sciences (TX; CTE)
Computer Science
Beaufort County School District Rethinking Mathematics through the Integration of Computer Science (SC; Math/Computer Science)
Copperas Cove Independent School District Operation: Copperas Cove Codes (TX; Math/Computer Science)
Instructional Coaching
Fort Sam Houston Independent School District Three Rs of Rebooting School Culture: Rethink, Rearchitect & Renew (TX; Instructional Coaching/Math)
Randolph Field Independent School District LIFT: Learning Intervention For sTudents (TX; Intervention/Math/English Language Arts)
LEARN DC Public Charter School Teacher Coaching and Student Intervention Project to Improve Math Achievement (DC; Math/Intervention)
LEARN IL Public Charter Schools Increasing the Math Achievement of Military-Connected Students (IL; Math/Intervention)
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Prince William County Schools Operation Strong Hearts and Minds (VA; STEM/SEL)
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
Burkburnett Independent School District Healthy SySTEMs (TX; STEM/Project-based Learning)
Fort Sam Houston Independent School District Branching Out with STEM across PreK through 12 (TX; STEM)
Prince William County Schools Operation Strong Hearts and Minds (VA; STEM/SEL)
Prince William County Schools Operation STEP to CCR: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Pathways to College and Career Readiness (VA; STEM/Career Education)
Lackland Independent School District Stepping Up STEM: Bridging Students to Careers (TX; STEM, CTE)
LEARN DC Public Charter School Teacher Coaching and Student Intervention Project to Improve Math Achievement (DC; Math/Intervention)
LEARN IL Public Charter Schools Increasing the Math Achievement of Military-Connected Students (IL; Math/Intervention)
Beaufort County School District Rethinking Mathematics through the Integration of Computer Science (SC; Math/Computer Science)
Burkburnett Independent School District Back 2 Basics (TX; Math, Reading Language Arts)
Copperas Cove Independent School District Operation: Copperas Cove Codes (TX; Math/Computer Science)
Fort Sam Houston Independent School District Three Rs of Rebooting School Culture: Rethink, Rearchitect & Renew (TX; Instructional Coaching/Math)
Reading Language Arts
Burkburnett Independent School District Back 2 Basics (TX; Math, Reading Language Arts)
Randolph Field Independent School District LIFT: Learning Intervention For sTudents (TX; Intervention/Math/English Language Arts)
Shaffer Evaluation Group offers limited pro-bono grant writing services to support grant applications, like DoDEA. Specifically, we write the evaluation section at no cost in exchange for being named as the evaluator in your grant application. SEG would be happy to talk about your ideas and discuss future opportunities with the DoDEA Grant Program. Contact us today to set up a free consultation!