Gaston-Shaffer is the integrated consulting team from two Virginia-based firms: Gaston Educational Consulting and Shaffer Evaluation Group. Gaston-Shaffer offers to school districts and higher education institutions comprehensive strategic planning services, i
ncluding community stakeholder consultation, planning facilitation, and performance measurement planning.
As Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Gaston Educational Consulting, LLC, David Gaston develops and executes strategic initiatives to improve organizational and academic achievement, team building, and organizational culture.
As Founder and President of Shaffer Evaluation Group, Patricia Moore Shaffer works with partners — school districts, colleges and universities, government agencies and nonprofits — to develop and evaluate programs that address and correct long-standing inequities in education so that all children and youth can excel.
Shaffer and Gaston regularly combine their expertise to collaborate on evidence-based strategic plans and how to implement them to fully benefit students and the entire communities where they reside. They have successfully collaborated on multiple projects,

including strategic plans for school divisions in Charles City and King George County in Virginia.
Currently, Gaston-Shaffer is facilitating strategic planning for Caroline County Public Schools in Virginia. Business and industry partners, students, school board leadership, faculty and staff recently participated in stakeholder focus groups and online surveys, where they identified their vision of student success at CCPS. This thorough community engagement process yielded prominent themes, which a steering committee is currently into strategic goals and objectives that the entire learning community can get behind. An accompanying measurement framework will provide performance indicators and metrics that are measured each year to gauge plan progress and success.
To learn more about Gaston-Shaffer's approach to strategic planning or to request a proposal, please contact