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Shaffer Evaluation Group prepared a logic model and evaluation plan for Turnaround Arts, a national initiative led by the President's Committee for the Arts and the Humanities that uses arts education to help turn around America's struggling schools. Turnaround Arts works across the country with priority-designated schools in 27 school districts and 15 states. As part of Turnaround Arts, schools receive an array of arts education services designed to increase their chances of success, engage their community and raise the visibility of their achievements.

Shaffer Evaluation Group is working with ART 180, a nonprofit arts organization based in Richmond, Virginia, to improve the evaluation of its programs. ART 180 creates and provides art-related programs for young people living in challenging circumstances, encouraging personal and community change through self-expression. We are working closely with program staff to update their logic model, identify measurable outcomes, and design evaluation methods that will help the organization document its impact on youth.

We begin three new evaluation studies this fall examining school district projects that support military-connected students. Poquoson City Public Schools and York County School Division, two long-standing Shaffer Evaluation Group clients, received new five-year awards for instructional initiatives designed to improve the academic achievement of military-connected students. Our newest client, Norfolk Public Schools, also received a grant award that seeks to improve the sociol-emotional support for military-connected students at selected schools. We're proud to support these wonderful projects intended to enrich the lives of military-connected students.

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